Join Our Virtual Meetup Every Thursday

Posted on April 01, 2020 by C. S

Join Our Virtual Meetup Every Thursday in April

Connect with us on Zoom every Thursday, 7pm in April.

We all had a great time last Thursday catching up and seeing what we're working on so everyone voted on keeping this up. Come on and join us.

When: Thursday, April 2 (and every Thursday in April)

Time: 7:00 PM Pacific Time

How to Join:

*The following link will direct you to our meeting on the Zoom platform.

Meeting ID: 328 337 545

Password: 790252

Click Here To Join Zoom Meeting

#knittogetherapart #crochettogetherapart #wildfiberstudio #weshipyarn #curbsidepickupyarn #yarn #friendsknittogether #😷

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